Illegal gill-netting goes on night after night along our shores and often-even deep inside our so-called bass nursery areas. Anglers are quick to complain amongst themselves at the effect the nets are having on their fishing and fish stocks, yet remain reluctant to do anything about it.

The fact is, that shore anglers are the people most likely to observe potential illegal netting and are best placed to report it to the necessary authorities. So how?

If you see a net that you suspect might be fishing illegally, then call 0800 807060 which is toll free and covers both England and Wales. You'll be connected to someone who will take the details from you regards the net location and put the investigative process in to immediate action.


You need not give your name nor address, just pass on the facts. Your conversation is in total confidence. Once you put the phone down you'll hear no more about it. It doesn't matter if the net turns out to be legally set. The only way the authorities can do their job is to act on information received and check every report out fully.

Under no circumstances should you confront the netters yourself, nor try to damage their nets. Let the authorities and courts take care of it.

Don't assume that someone else will report it. Make the effort yourself and make sure. If illegal gill-nets continue to flaunt the laws and deplete inshore fish stocks at the present levels, then you'll only have yourselves to blame.